AutoCAD Properties Palette Not Showing

The AutoCAD Properties Palette is an essential tool that allows users to view and modify the properties of various objects in their drawings. However, occasionally users may encounter an issue where the Properties Palette fails to appear, causing frustration and hindering their workflow. In this blog post, we will explore the possible reasons behind this problem and provide step-by-step solutions to get the Properties Palette back up and running.

1. Understanding the Properties Palette:

Before diving into the troubleshooting process, let’s take a moment to understand what the Properties Palette is and why it is crucial for AutoCAD users. The Properties Palette displays detailed information about selected objects, such as their layer, color, linetype, and other properties. It also provides a convenient way to modify these properties, allowing users to quickly make changes to their drawings.

2. Checking the Display Settings:

One common reason for the Properties Palette not showing is the incorrect display settings in AutoCAD. To resolve this issue, go to the View tab and check if the Properties Palette option is enabled. Additionally, ensure that the Palette is set to display docked or floating, according to your preference. Adjusting these settings should bring back the Properties Palette to its usual position.

3. Exploring the Ribbon Interface:

Another possible cause for the Properties Palette not appearing is the Ribbon interface configuration. AutoCAD offers two different Ribbon display modes: the Auto-hide Ribbon and the Show Tabs mode. If you are using the Auto-hide Ribbon mode, the Properties Palette might be hidden behind the Ribbon. To resolve this, hover your cursor over the Ribbon and wait for it to expand. Once expanded, the Properties Palette should be visible.

4. Resetting the Workspace:

Sometimes, the issue lies within the current workspace, leading to the Properties Palette not showing up. To fix this, go to the Quick Access Toolbar and click on the Workspace Switching button. From the drop-down menu, select a different workspace or choose “Reset Workspace” to revert to the default workspace. This action should reset the workspace and bring back the Properties Palette.

5. Checking the System Variable:

AutoCAD uses various system variables to control its behavior. In some cases, the value of the system variable responsible for showing the Properties Palette may have been changed or set incorrectly. To address this, open the Command Line and type in “PROPERTIESCLOSE”. If the output shows “1,” it means the Properties Palette is set to close automatically. In that case, type in “PROPERTIES” to toggle the value to “0” and make the Properties Palette visible again.

6. Reinstalling AutoCAD:

If all the previous steps fail to resolve the issue, it might be necessary to reinstall AutoCAD. This step should be considered as a last resort, as it can be time-consuming. Before proceeding, ensure that you have a backup of all your files and settings. Uninstall AutoCAD using the appropriate method for your operating system, then reinstall a fresh copy of the software. This should solve any persistent issues causing the Properties Palette to not show up.


The AutoCAD Properties Palette is an indispensable tool for efficiently managing and modifying object properties in drawings. If you find yourself facing the issue of the Properties Palette not showing up, don’t panic. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this blog post, you should be able to resolve the problem and restore the functionality of the Properties Palette. Remember to check the display settings, explore the Ribbon interface, reset the workspace, verify the system variable, and consider reinstalling AutoCAD if necessary. We hope this guide has been helpful in resolving your Properties Palette issue. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please leave a comment below.

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Autocad Properties Palette Not Showing

Autocad Properties Palette Not Showing Properties Palette not showing in AutoCAD | AutoCAD | Autodesk … Jan 17 2022 … Enter CUI on the command line. · Select your workspace on the left. · Click the Customize Workspace button on the right. · Expand Palettes and … /a /p !– /wp:paragraph — /div –

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