Autocad Sürekli Ölçülendirme Komutu: Enhancing Precision in AutoCAD

Autocad, developed by Autodesk, is a widely-used computer-aided design (CAD) software that allows professionals to create precise 2D and 3D designs. One of the key features of Autocad is its ability to measure and dimension objects accurately. In this blog post, we will explore in detail the Autocad Sürekli Ölçülendirme Komutu (Continuous Dimensioning Command), which is a powerful tool for enhancing precision and efficiency in Autocad. By using this command, you can easily add dimensions to multiple objects simultaneously, saving time and effort.

1. Understanding the Sürekli Ölçülendirme Komutu:

The Sürekli Ölçülendirme Komutu is an essential tool in Autocad that allows users to quickly and accurately dimension multiple objects. This command streamlines the process by eliminating the need to manually add dimensions to each object separately. With the Sürekli Ölçülendirme Komutu, you can select multiple objects and Autocad will automatically generate dimensions for each selected object based on their respective properties.

2. Activating the Sürekli Ölçülendirme Komutu:

To activate the Sürekli Ölçülendirme Komutu, you can simply type “DIMCONTINUEMODE” in the command line and set its value to 1. This enables the continuous dimensioning mode, allowing you to dimension multiple objects simultaneously. By default, Autocad uses the last specified dimension style and settings for the continuous dimensioning command. However, you can modify the dimension style and other settings using the dimensioning toolbar or the properties palette.

3. Using the Sürekli Ölçülendirme Komutu:

Once the continuous dimensioning mode is activated, you can select the objects that you want to dimension. Autocad will automatically generate dimensions for each selected object, based on their relevant properties such as distance, angle, or radius. The dimensions will be placed at suitable locations, adhering to the dimensioning style and settings. You can further customize the dimensions by adjusting their position, style, text, and other properties.

4. Modifying Continuous Dimensions:

Autocad provides various options to modify the continuous dimensions generated by the Sürekli Ölçülendirme Komutu. For instance, you can relocate a dimension by selecting and dragging it to a new position. You can also modify the dimension text by double-clicking on it and editing the text directly. Additionally, Autocad allows you to control the appearance of dimensions by adjusting their properties, such as color, line weight, and extension lines.

5. Benefits and Applications:

The Sürekli Ölçülendirme Komutu offers numerous benefits and applications in Autocad. Firstly, it significantly improves productivity by automating the dimensioning process, eliminating the need for repetitive manual input. Secondly, it ensures accuracy and consistency in dimensioning, reducing the chances of errors or discrepancies. This command is particularly useful in architectural, engineering, and construction projects where precise measurements are crucial.

6. Conclusion:

The Autocad Sürekli Ölçülendirme Komutu is a powerful tool that enhances precision and efficiency in Autocad. By enabling continuous dimensioning mode, you can easily dimension multiple objects simultaneously, saving time and effort. Understanding how to activate and use this command effectively will significantly improve your productivity and accuracy in Autocad. So, start exploring the Sürekli Ölçülendirme Komutu and experience the benefits it offers.


We hope this blog post has provided valuable insights into the Autocad Sürekli Ölçülendirme Komutu. By harnessing the power of continuous dimensioning, you can streamline your dimensioning process and achieve greater accuracy in your Autocad designs. Have you used the Sürekli Ölçülendirme Komutu before? What are your experiences with it? We invite you to share your thoughts and any additional tips in the comments section below.  

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