Welcome to our blog post on “Autocad Çizgileri Ayırma”, where we will discuss the process of separating lines in Autocad. Autocad is a widely used computer-aided design software that allows users to create precise and detailed drawings. One common task in Autocad is to separate or split lines to modify and edit the design. In this post, we will guide you through the steps required to achieve this.

1. Select the Line

To begin the process of separating lines, you need to select the line you want to split. You can use the “Select” tool in Autocad to choose the line you wish to separate. Ensure that you have the correct layer selected to avoid any confusion.

2. Access the Modify Menu

Once you have selected the line, go to the “Modify” menu in Autocad. This menu provides various tools and options for editing and manipulating objects. Click on the “Modify” tab to access the available options.

3. Choose the Split Tool

Within the Modify menu, you will find the Split tool. This tool allows you to split the selected line at a specific point. Click on the Split tool to activate it.

4. Specify the Split Point

After selecting the Split tool, Autocad will prompt you to specify the point where you want to split the line. You can either enter the coordinates of the desired point or click on the line to indicate the splitting point. Autocad will then divide the line into two separate segments.

5. Repeat the Process, if Needed

If you want to split the line into more than two segments, you can repeat the previous steps. Simply select one of the newly created segments and go through the Split tool process again to further divide the line.


Separating lines in Autocad is a straightforward process that can be accomplished using the Split tool within the Modify menu. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily split lines and modify your designs as needed. Autocad offers a wide range of tools and options to help you create precise and accurate drawings. We hope this guide has been helpful to you in understanding how to separate lines in Autocad.

Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions or if there are any other Autocad topics you would like us to cover in future blog posts.


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