Autocad Iki Nokta Birleştirme

Welcome to our blog post on the topic of “Autocad Iki Nokta Birleştirme”. Autocad is a powerful software widely used in the field of computer-aided design and drafting. In this post, we will explore the process of merging two points together in Autocad.

1. Accessing the Autocad Interface

To begin the process of merging two points in Autocad, open the software and familiarize yourself with the interface. Autocad provides a range of tools and options that can be used for various design tasks.

2. Selecting the Points

Identify the two points that you wish to merge. Use the selection tool to choose the points by clicking on them. Make sure to select both points accurately to ensure a precise merging process.

3. Activating the Merge Tool

Once the points are selected, navigate to the toolbar and locate the merge tool. Click on the merge tool to activate it. Autocad provides different methods for merging points, such as the “Merge” or “Join” command.

4. Adjusting the Merge Settings

After activating the merge tool, a settings window will appear. Here, you can customize the merging options according to your requirements. Autocad allows you to choose the precision level, merging method, and other relevant parameters.

5. Confirming the Merge

Once you have adjusted the merge settings, click on the “OK” button to confirm the merge. Autocad will execute the merging process based on the selected settings, and the two points will be combined into one.

6. Verifying the Merged Point

After the merging process is complete, it is essential to verify that the point has been successfully merged. Check the coordinates and properties of the merged point to ensure accuracy and precision in your design.


Merging two points in Autocad is a simple yet important task that can greatly enhance your design workflow. By carefully following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can seamlessly combine multiple points and achieve the desired results. We hope this guide has been helpful in your Autocad journey.

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We would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Have you encountered any challenges while merging points in Autocad? Do you have any additional tips or tricks to share? Please leave a comment below and join the discussion!


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