Drawing A Rectangle In Lisp

Lisp, a powerful programming language known for its simplicity and flexibility, offers a multitude of features to create various shapes and structures. In this blog post, we will explore how to draw a rectangle in Lisp. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a clear understanding of the necessary steps to create a rectangle using Lisp’s capabilities.

I. Understanding the Basics of Lisp

Before we dive into drawing a rectangle, let’s take a moment to familiarize ourselves with the basics of Lisp. Lisp, short for “LISt Processing,” is a family of programming languages known for their unique syntax and extensive use of parentheses. It was designed to manipulate symbolic expressions and is widely used in artificial intelligence research, among other fields. Drawing geometrical shapes, such as rectangles, is just one of the many things Lisp is capable of.

II. Defining Functions for Drawing a Rectangle

To draw a rectangle in Lisp, we need to define appropriate functions that will handle the drawing process. The first step is to create a function that takes in the necessary parameters, such as the position, width, and height of the rectangle. This function will help us draw the outline of the rectangle using Lisp’s graphical capabilities. By encapsulating this functionality into a function, we can easily reuse it whenever needed.

III. Implementing the Logic to Draw a Rectangle

Now that we have our function in place, we can focus on implementing the logic required to draw a rectangle. Lisp provides various graphical libraries, such as Common Graphics or CL-GD, which can be used to create the desired shape. We will explore how to use one of these libraries to draw the rectangle and understand the necessary steps involved. Additionally, we will cover aspects such as choosing colors, filling the rectangle, and adjusting line thickness to enhance the visual appearance.

IV. Testing and Optimizing the Rectangle Drawing Function

Once we have implemented the initial drawing function, it’s essential to test its functionality to ensure it works as expected. We will create a simple test program that utilizes the function and displays the resulting rectangle on the screen. This step allows us to identify any potential bugs or issues that need to be addressed. Furthermore, we will discuss potential optimizations to improve the performance and efficiency of the drawing function, making it more versatile and scalable.


Drawing a rectangle in Lisp is an exciting endeavor that showcases the language’s capabilities in creating graphical shapes. By understanding the basics of Lisp, defining necessary functions, implementing the logic, and testing and optimizing our code, we can successfully draw rectangles with ease. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Lisp programmer, experimenting with shapes in Lisp can be a great way to expand your skills and explore the language’s potential.

We hope this tutorial has provided you with valuable insights into drawing a rectangle in Lisp. If you have any questions, suggestions, or experiences to share, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you and continue the discussion.

Remember, in Lisp, the possibilities are endless, and with a little creativity, you can create amazing shapes and structures. Happy coding!

[Leave a comment below to share your thoughts, experiences, or any additional insights you may have.]

AutoLISP for automatically drawing second dimension of rectangle …

Apr 25, 2011 … AutoLISP for automatically drawing second dimension of rectangle based on first dimension … If this is your first visit, be sure to check out … – forums.augi.com

Lisp Rectangle Drawing – CodePal

This page presents a Lisp function that allows you to draw a rectangle based on given points on an angle. The function takes four points as input and … – codepal.ai

Lisp Rectangle Drawing - CodePal

Drawing a rectangle in lisp – Autodesk Community – AutoCAD

Nov 10, 2006 … I am trying to write a lisp that would prompt a user for height, width & depth of a piece of equipment then draw 3 views of it. – forums.autodesk.com

making a rectangle box using lisp – Autodesk Community – AutoCAD

Jul 12, 2010 … -enter depth (the flaps on the purple one will be dependant on the user.) -draw red box -switch to layer x-laser (purple) -global width ( … – forums.autodesk.com

lisp – Creating a rectangle from center point with existing height and …

Jun 12, 2021 … I found existing code that creates a rectangle by its center point, but the user has to give size by picking the opposite corner. I want to … – stackoverflow.com

lisp - Creating a rectangle from center point with existing height and ...

rectangle lisp

request, rectangles are simple to draw, BX was one of the first routines. I ever wrote. If you don’t know how to set lisp routines up for automatic load/run … – groups.google.com

Lisp for rectangle – AutoLISP, Visual LISP & DCL – AutoCAD Forums

Dear All, I need a lisp to draw a Rectangle with in the 3 following inputs. These are the inputs, 1.First center point of Rectangle. 2. – www.cadtutor.net

Lisp for rectangle - AutoLISP, Visual LISP & DCL - AutoCAD Forums

3-Point Rectangle | Lee Mac Programming

This program enables the user to dynamically construct a rectangle defined by three supplied points. … Visual LISP IDE · DCL · Forums · References · Contact … – www.lee-mac.com

Drawing a rectangle in lisp

Drawing A Rectangle In Lisp Drawing a rectangle in lisp – Autodesk Community Nov 10 2006 … I am trying to write a lisp that would prompt a user for height width & depth of a piece of equipment then draw 3 views of it. forums.autodesk.com Drawing a rectangle in lisp Jan 20 2020 … Use actual dimen – drawspaces.com

Drawing a rectangle in lisp

Command won’t work the first time in new drawing — BricsCAD Forum

Jul 9, 2020 … I am new to bricscad and am trying to get some lisp programs from autocad to run. The attached program has been reworked to work with both … – forum.bricsys.com

